
UnderOath Farewell Tour 1/15/13

photocrati galleryUnderoath recently came to Manhattan’s Irving Plaza on January 15th, 2013 with LetLive and MeWithoutYou. Check out the gallery and the links to the Metalinsider.net press article and the full gallery on our Sinestra Facebook.


Sinestra Studios Facebook Gallery: UnderOath Farewell Tour

MetalInsider.net coverage: UnderOath Farewell Tour

LetLive, MeWithoutYou and UnderOath Facebook Pages

Derek Soto

The court Jester and The Renaissance Man rolled up into ONE. My life has been about music, and the pursuit of experiencing culture by learning the multi-faceted lives of roles throughout Music and Entertainment. Spanning 10 years as a Photographer, Interviewer, and Videographer, the best education you can ever find is the one you make of your own accord. My life is all here, I hope you enjoy the rollercoaster.