
Off The Turnpike at LoveCraft 1/19/18

The New York City based Alternative/hard rock band, Off the Turnpike, played their first 2018 show at LoveCraft bar in Lower Manhattan. Boy, was it a doozie. This band kicks so much butt on several different levels and have easily become one of my favorite acts to check out when they have a show. Absolutely loved the energy, the musicianship AND of course, the subject matter of their songs. Check out the photos below and PLEASE check out their Facebook profiles for all their music and when they will be playing the NYC area once again.

Off The Turnpike Photos:

Catch their music on the websites below:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/offtheturnpike/

Music & Videos: https://www.facebook.com/offtheturnpike/app/2405167945/

Catch you rocks on the flip side!


Derek Soto

The court Jester and The Renaissance Man rolled up into ONE. My life has been about music, and the pursuit of experiencing culture by learning the multi-faceted lives of roles throughout Music and Entertainment. Spanning 10 years as a Photographer, Interviewer, and Videographer, the best education you can ever find is the one you make of your own accord. My life is all here, I hope you enjoy the rollercoaster.