Photo Gallery: Raven at St. Vitus Bar 11/21/14
After seeing Raven open up for ACCEPT literally 2 months ago, there was NO reason or excuse to miss this show. Being that this show was held at St. Vitus Bar, one of the premiere metal bars in Brooklyn, NY and quite possibly the entire Metropolitan area, the level of intimacy for the occupants was perfect for a small thrash show of roughly 200 capacity. Raven played many new songs off their planned 2015 new album as well as many fan favorites. Check out the 40 year vet’s of British Thrash take down St. Vitus in the photos below. Note: there is NO set-list available. Special thanks to the Gallagher brothers Mark and John for autographing my photo of them at Gramercy Theater taken this year along with drumming machine Joe Hasselvander.

Raven Photo Gallery:
Catch you rockers on the flip side!!
–Derek Soto–