

Good Day viewers,

I am writing to inform you of the MASSIVE updates we have instilled onto the website. New categories such as our memorabilia page are finally coming through with the expanded “guitar pick collection” page and a new category entitled “in the news” will be surfacing in the coming days. New photos will be added into the homepage gallery as well as a total facelift of the “chance encounters” page with more photos to post and a brand new overhaul of the quality of the photos already posted. There will be a RSS FINALLY coming to this website and there has been new formatting for sidebars, footers, and added photos on all counts. Also, Anvil and Tomahawk pages will be coming by this Monday June 3rd, 2013 as well as a re-cap of my show “Pantages, The first 3 years of Sinestra Studios” a show I personally threw in Brooklyn, NY at The Knitting Factory. Thank you for taking the time to read this and stay-tuned.

Mr. Derek Soto

Photo taken by Johnny Perilla of Nextmosh.com as I introduce New Jersey’s own VooDoo Terror Tribe at Pantages.

Derek Soto

The court Jester and The Renaissance Man rolled up into ONE. My life has been about music, and the pursuit of experiencing culture by learning the multi-faceted lives of roles throughout Music and Entertainment. Spanning 10 years as a Photographer, Interviewer, and Videographer, the best education you can ever find is the one you make of your own accord. My life is all here, I hope you enjoy the rollercoaster.